Babies' Loving Lollaland
Lollacup's have been flying off the shelves. They literally cannot stock enough online or in stores to meet the newest demand they've...
Nothing Great Can be Accomplished Without Passion
Miles Davis, one of the most famous jazz artists of our time, decided to quit Julliard and focus on making new innovative sounds. Afraid...
Guerrilla Campaigns
Who knew that marketers could take something from military tactics? Guerrilla marketing is the use of combining unconventional ideas to...
Fitness is My Sport
Fitness, getting fit, or just plan eating healthy has earned a permanent spot within the media. Thousands of companies have made billions...
A Girl Should be Two Things: Classy and Fabulous
Behind the Curtain I love anyone that can make me laugh and fully embrace bad one-liners. I’m a die hard Crossfitter, world class...
Modern Day Romance: My Engagement Story
I had given up on men. Mainly from a list of frogs and a few too many awful dates. Living in Philly, I decided to dedicate myself to...
Where Have You Been?
It's been way too long... and I apologize in advance for my inability to keep up with this blog. Life has taken some crazy directions and...